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Vigitechnics : Airborne Surface Disinfection
equipment (ASD)

In France and abroad, Vigitechnics offers you the best aerial solution for air and surface decontamination for your business premises.

Our sectors of activity

Which TwinCruiser VGF or LC decontamination robot should you choose depending on your business activity and your premises ?

Hospital room with a bed

Hospital and healthcare sector

Hospitals are places that must be systematically decontaminated to meet the required standards of hygiene and cleanliness. The Covid 19 pandemic has raised the bar even higher. As a specialist in the sale of disinfection equipment, Vigitechnics has designed sanitary equipment adapted to the needs of hospitals, care centres as well as various health institutions and devices (clinics, ambulances, etc.) and paramedical sectors.

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Laboratory with a woman working at a workstation

Pharmaceutical Industry

Vigitechnics is able to meet the specific needs of the pharmaceutical industry for decontamination equipment. The company offers sanitising devices for all places where bacteria and viruses can develop

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Bedroom with a bed

Hostels and restaurants

Vigitechnics designs and manufactures decontamination equipment for public areas in line with the sanitary constraints of hotels and restaurants.

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Food industry

Food Industry

Vigitechnics’ disinfection robots are also intended for the food industry, where disinfection and decontamination of their premises is a problem. They are especially used to ensure cleanliness in abattoirs. They do not present any risk to the activities which occur in these places.

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Workspace with several desks and pc

Offices and premises

Via its office and premises cleaning equipment, Vigitechnics is able to meet your requirements in the service sector in order to decontaminate all your workspaces with complete reliability and safety: a real basis for healthy environment reassurance for your employees and your customers.

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Icône batiment

Hospital and healthcare sector

Pharmaceutical Industry

Hotels and restaurants

Food industry

Icône bureaux

Offices and premises

Our two ASD machines

Of the ASD type and of medical quality, Vigitechnics offers two automated TwinCruiser models that combine high technology and reliability to provide a 100% sanitized place !

Montage of images of two researchers and a hospital corridor

TwinCruiser VGF

This model is an automated airborne surface disinfection (ASD) appliance. It combines Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone to achieve absolute decontamination.

It is intended for hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry. Vigitechnics is currently the sole enterprise offering this innovative process.

The robot is equipped with an Ethernet port and a Wi-Fi modem for connected programming from any computer, tablet or remotely. Its operation is then fully automated.

TwinCruiser LC​

This model falls into the same category of ASD appliances and processes. It is oriented towards the hotel and restaurant industry, the food industry (abattoirs), offices and company premises, open spaces, third-party venues, co-working spaces… to provide healthy environment reassurance to employees and customers.

Its treatment capacity is up to 300 m3. It diffuses, via aerosolisation, a disinfectant based on Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) for complete surface and air decontamination. For hospitals and the medical sector, it is also a potential TwinCruiser VGF alternative.

Montage of images with two researchers and a hospital corridor

You are interested
by one of our ASD solutions ?

Destruction of all viruses including Covid 19, bacteria and fungi

These are decontamination robots that diffuse by aerosolization a dry mist, composed of biocide, intended to destroy all bacteria, viruses and fomites, or even fungi. The design of each machine has been specifically studied so as to reach all surfaces, even the least accessible.

All the more so in times of the Covid 19 pandemic and constraints linked to the methods of deconfinement, in key sectors, depending on the country. As such, Vigitechnics has been referenced since the spring of 2020 by the French Health Care association as a player participating in the fight against the spread of the epidemic linked to the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus.

twincruiser product diagram
Industry workspace

How does Airborne Surface Disinfection (ASD) work with TwinCruiser?

Airborne Surface Disinfection, used by the TwinCruiser VGF and LC, is a method of decontaminating an entire clean room or business premises, regardless of the sector of activity.

It requires that, during operation, there be no human presence in the room concerned. The process consists of treating the entire internal surfaces: floor, wall, ceiling, furniture… including equipment (computer, medical, benches…) in place. The biocide used by Vigitechnics is Oxygen Peroxide, possibly combined with an Ozone generator to produce Peroxone, resulting in absolute air decontamination. This procedure is non-toxic, non-corrosive and biodegradable. The spraying is performed by the device via a venturi nozzle.

Cleaning and drying are not required after the operation.

Our strengths

made in France

Each device is manufactured by us at our workshop in Avrillé (Maine-et-Loire), tested and certified in France and the UK.

Equipment that complies to current standards

The TwinCruiser decontamination robots, in either VGF or LC version, are compliant with T72-281 (2014), NF T72-281 (2009) and NF EN 14348 standards.

Over a decade of expertise and knowledge

Based in Angers (Maine-et-Loire), Vigitechnics has been in operation since 2010. The company works with an international distribution network, mainly in B2B.